How are you all doing? Sorry for the week+ long Hiatus I was on, lost my website for a week but it is back : )
As you can see I have made over $130+ from my banner up top in just a few short months, doing virtually nothing!
Anyways, I wanted to update everyone on my Favorite site to earn income online: Fusion Cash. This by far is amazing and me just signing up, and doing the bonuses every month you can receive: $9.25; see my video regarding the bonuses -> Fusion Cash Video on Bonuses. I just had to post another article about this, because I feel so many people are on so many different programs but are getting hassled by them, but this is one is BBB credited and has paid me twice: Payment Proof 1 is to the right ==>
My 3rd cashout of $50.01 is on its way and will arrive in my paypal b/w April 18-22nd. I have so far received 2 payments of $33.80 and $31.80, add those 3 up and that is well over $110. I also have over $15+ that is building up for my upcoming cashout, which I hope to place by the end of this month, so I can be paid in May. Just look at the total above on my toolbar, honestly the less work that I do, the more it seems to just keep growing, I think this is also known as passive income? The less time you spend and if you are making equal or more income does equal this passive force! Sign up for Fusion cash to receive a $5.00 Bonus!
<== Payment Proof 2
April Review: It has been just wonderful and amazing the additions that Fusion Cash has implemented the last 2 weeks. They now have a twitter, and if you follow them you get money. They now have surprise and mystery promotions, where you can earn right there on the spot. They now have new, special free offers tab that allows you to earn even more on this site. Offers usually pay up to $20.00.
Bonuses again, Sign up = $5.00, Post 30x in the forum (Old buddy has described this as 30 "clicks" - which is true) = $3.00, Facebook Fan = $1.00, Post a Pic Payment = $1.00 and the list just goes on with the potential you can earn. If you gain a referral = $1.00, they do an offer = $2.00, they cash out = $5.00, honestly it JUST DOESNT GET ANY BETTER!! $5.00 Sign up Bonus Now!
What are you waiting for?!?! Get over to Fusion Cash and start earning that free money. You start out with a $5.00 bonus and that is the best bonus ratio to cash out I have seen yet. You know where to find me, simply message or contact me and I will help you along the way. Enjoy!
-Lanny B

Fusioncash has paid me well over $2,000 already and still adds to that every day. Anyone in the USA would have to be crazy not to at least give this a try.