This site is pretty awesome. You receive a $1.00 sign up bonus, so again, you are already on top! This site is very similar to Fusion Cash and Inbox Dollars in many ways in which I will describe below.
How Much have I earned? I made it easy and have implemented my earnings banner:
So you see how much I am making, well how do you earn the money? Here is how you make the free money on Cash Crate
1.) Offers: Similar to FC and IB, you earn this free money from doing either free or paid offers. Free ones range from $.15 - $15 and the paid offers are even higher than that. They are very simple and easy, usually taking around 5 - 10 minutes per each one, some take though as little as 20 seconds.
2.) Surveys: It wouldn't be a site to make free money if it wasn't for free surveys. There are surveys that you can do daily and it will add up.
3.) Referrals!: Of COURSE, you can earn passive income through referrals! You receive 20% of the earnings from your first level (ex: Referral earns $5 - you earn $1) and 10% from the 2nd level (Your referral's referral earns $10 and you would receive $1). You also receive $3 per referral reaching $10! Pretty awesome I would say
4.) Shopping: There is a shopping section where you earn a rebate back form your purchases. Walmart offers a 3-4% cashback and offers a whopping 26% cashback!
Not only can you earn Cash, but what makes this site different is the other method for prizes through points. Every $1 you earn, you receive 1 point. There are actually point specific offers and surveys that you can do strictly for the points. What can you do with points - Purchase prizes such as amazon gift certificates, apple products etc. So it's nice there are other methods of earning money and/or prizes.
What else is different? There is an actually extended/upgraded level of membership on there as well. You start off at Bronze level - which entitles you to 20% of referral earnings and 10% of 2nd level referral earnings & you receive your check on the 15th of the following month. Well, if you receive 50 referrals you are upgraded to Silver rank. Silver Rank entitles you to 25% of referral earnings and you receive your check on the 1st of the following month instead of the 15th. Pretty nice.
How do you get paid/methods of payment? So far they pay you via check in the mail. If you have a minimum balance of $20 at the end of the month, they will send the check and you will receive it the following month around the 15th they state (depends on your rank).
Again, this is another avenue of free money, and with the referral program that they have, opportunities are endless. Passive income will be created if you are friendly to members around the web, personal life, family etc. and if they desire will join up! This is one of my many sites that I use from my first post that help me receive income from doing offers and passive income from when I am not even on the sites.
Thanks again for reading my review on Cash Crate - get up and get after the free money - there is plenty of it out there for all of you! It's free, so why not - it definitely can't hurt!! The extra money would be great for vacations, text books, gas money, cell phone bill, investing etc. Anyone ranked higher on cash crate? Any one have a similar great experience with them? Post below! Talk to you all soon! -Lanny B.

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