Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rebates for Shopping Online!

Hello All! I wanted to share with you the sites that will give you a "kickback"/rebate when you go through their site first, then clicking the merchant you are looking for through there, clicking the link and continuing your purchase. I have received as much as a 20% kickback on a purchase doing this! I will describe the two that I use below!

1. BigCrumbs!  Proof Click here: Proof 

Hands Down, this site is phenomenal. I have earned close to $200 in rebates from simply shopping online. It is amazing, especially if you do a lot of Christmas shopping online, as I did last Christmas - Saving around $40!! Also, if you shop for textbooks, we know they can be expensive, go through here first and earn a rebate back!! There are sites such as:,, Target, Kohls,, the list really goes on! Send me an e-mail or post below if you don't understand how it works, are having trouble navigating through the website etc. Thanks and enjoy!  Proof again: Proof 

2. eBates
Very similar to BigCrumbs above, this site offers a very competitive kick-back % on your purchase with extremely identical vendors to Big Crumbs; such as eBay,, Apple, Kohls, Target, Walmart, Macy's etc.  They offer a $5.00 bonus after your first purchase which is extremely nice.  Click the link and check it out! Thanks!

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